Young people and wine. This is an interesting topic continuously being updated. It is fascinating as bringing news and freshness in a traditional market , sometimes not so willing for changes.

There is a cluster of young people from 18 to 29 of age that somehow prefers short drinks and long drinks however from 30 years and on, another group prefers to drink quality wine. Mixed drinks for this cluster lost their charm or they are limited to discos while original, although authentic and green wines become protagonists.  

The millennials and gen. Z people who do not choose wine as their favorite drink , act like this as they aren’t informed on the different types of wine or are confused by the huge number of grapes and products on the market.

Another reason is probably spiritual and cultural. Nowadays just a few people are still linked to traditional or religious values, and wine is surely one of the symbols of Christianity. In some regions of the world where the production of wine is a local heritage, the consumption in the family is a normal aspect, in others the approach to wine becomes more casual.

So culture, fashions and global style are probably the basis of the consumption choices of many under 30. 

Italian people really prefer wine and there are always more and more young people that drink wine, it is said that the numbers are triple respect pre covid19, thanks to rocketing of new over 18 that has become more more aware about wine world. There has been an increase in consumers thanks to bio and vegan wines that meet the tastes of wine lovers and wine explorers with different, sophisticated or more curious needs.

From the last Italian food and wine tourism report  it is clear that wine lovers and wine and food tourists give a lot of importance to wineries that pay attention to environmental sustainability and their relationship with territory and social local relationships. In Italy it is said that younger guys from 18s to 34s prefer drinking less but better without excesses, because wine is a beverage that gives pleasure linked to Italian culture, approached accordingly to the relationship between wine and territory.

Younger are more curious and experimenters, they search different wines from different territories. Just think of the Pecorino and Passerina phenomena in the USA and mostly in Canada and the curiosity aroused by the numerous native Italian vines that make up an huge and unique heritage of our country, compared to other wine countries in the world.

However, there is a huge difference between moderate consumption and exaggerated consumption.

What is unfortunately alarming is excessive consumption of spirits, without awareness of the damage it creates, such as accidents or fights caused by drunkenness.

If the wine embraces a convivial aspect, when managed with moderation, some other spirits cannot be perceived equally. A lot of younger guys drink a lot of alcohol due to boredom or because they are too shy and they want to be more sociable by breaking down insecurity, seeking a momentary feeling of relief. 

We report another negative trend that is binge drinking, that is when young people drink a lot  of alcohol with the aim of getting drunk in a short time and drelfie that is taking selfies when you are completely drunk (only for true selfies addicted). Two fashions that we sincerely hope will end up in oblivion as soon as possible.

Tommaso Guzzo Foliaro | Marketing Assistant

Silvia Rama | Di-Vinum Owner

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